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2nd Portuguese Film Festival - Djon Africa by Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra

Πέμ 16 Ιουν


Bios Rooftop

(Portugal | Πορτογαλία, 2019, 98’) Digital File, Έγχρωμο / Color, με ήχο / sound, Language / Γλώσσα: Πορτογαλικά / Portuguese Subtitles / Υπότιτλοι: Ελληνικά, Αγγλικά / Greek, English

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2nd Portuguese Film Festival  - Djon Africa by Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra
2nd Portuguese Film Festival  - Djon Africa by Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra

Time & Location

16 Ιουν 2022, 9:00 μ.μ. EEST – 07 Ιουλ 2022, 9:00 μ.μ. EEST

Bios Rooftop, Pireos 84, Athina 104 35, Greece

About the Screening


The kindhearted Miguel – alias Tibars, alias Djon África, born and raised in Portugal – loves women and lives a carefree life. If anyone criticizes him, he quotes the old Frank Sinatra song: “I do it My Way”. Until one day, a stranger tells him he's the spitting image of his father, “a player and a crook”; his father, whom he has never even met! This intriguing discovery makes him change track, particularly when his grandmother, who always took care of him, finally starts talking to him about his family: how his father was in prison; how sad Miguel was as a toddler when he couldn't see him; how his father was banished and now is in Cape Verde. Miguel goes there to visit him. Who is this man?

Ο καλόκαρδος Μιγκέλ με το ψευδώνυμο Tibars, ή αλλιώς Djon África, γεννημένος και μεγαλωμένος στην Πορτογαλία – αγαπά τις γυναίκες και ζει μια ανέμελη ζωή. Αν κάποιος τον κρίνει, εκείνος του παραθέτει το παλιό τραγούδι του Frank Sinatra: “I do it My Way”. Μέχρι που μια μέρα, ένας άγνωστος του λέει ότι είναι φτυστός ο πατέρας του, “player και απατεώνας”. Ο πατέρας του, τον οποίο δε γνώρισε ποτέ! Αυτή η συναρπαστική ανακάλυψη τον κάνει να αλλάξει στάση. ιδίως όταν η γιαγιά του, που πάντα τον φρόντιζε, αρχίζει να μιλάει για την οικογένειά του: για το πώς ο πατέρας του ήταν στη φυλακή, πόσο λυπημένος ήταν ο Μιγκέλ όταν ήταν μικρός όταν δεν μπορούσε να τον δει, πώς ο πατέρας του εξορίστηκε στο Πράσινο Ακρωτήριο. Έτσι, ο Μιγκέλ πηγαίνει εκεί για να τον επισκεφτεί. Ποιoς είναι αυτός ο άντρας;

Miguel Moreira, também conhecido como Tibars, também conhecido como Djon África, acaba de descobrir que a genética é madrasta e que a sua fisionomia — bem como alguns traços fortes da sua personalidade — o de- nunciam, ao primeiro olhar, como filho do seu pai, alguém que nunca conheceu. Essa descoberta intrigante leva-o a tentar saber quem é esse homem. Dele sabe apenas aquilo que lhe conta a sua avó, com quem vive desde sempre. A curiosidade galopante faz com que decida ir à sua procura. Seguindo o percurso de John Tibars ao encontro do seu pai iremos também ao encontro desse território do sonho que assombra as memórias, os desejos ou as mi- tologias de uma boa parte daqueles que man- têm as suas raízes culturais e a génese da sua identidade no continente africano. Tibars vive duas identidades em conflito e ao mesmo tempo em harmonia. O que é viver num gueto em Portugal e ser africano sem o ser? Esta ambivalência encontra a projecção de toda uma vida nesta aventura. África surge aqui com toda a carga que tem na imaginação, na projecção não só do lugar, como da sua es- sência, da sua pertença.


Direction / Σκηνοθεσία

Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra

Script / Σενάριο

Pedro Pinho, João Miller Guerra

Cinematography / Φωτογραφία

Vasco Viana

Μοντάζ / Editing

Eduardo Serrano, Ricardo Pretti, Luisa Homem

Ηχος / Sound

Elsa Ferreira

Cast / Συντελεστές

Miguel Moreira

Producers / Παραγωγοί

Terratreme Filmes

Η Filipa Reis (1977, Λισαβόνα) και ο João Miller Guerra (1974, Λισαβόνα) ζουν και εργάζονται μαζί στη Λισαβόνα. Οι ταινίες τους παρουσιάστηκαν σε διεθνή φεστιβάλ όπως Cinéma du Réel, IDFA, DokLeipzig, Bordocs,, Festival dei Popoli, Film Look, Recife International Film Window, FIDBA, Dok.Fest, Molodist, Parnu, μεταξύ άλλων. Μαζί έχουν μια εταιρεία παραγωγής ταινιών την «Uma Pedra no Sapato», υπεύθυνη για ταινίες όπως το «Balada de um Batráquio», της Leonor Teles, που κέρδισε την Χρυσή Άρκτο Καλύτερης Ταινίας Μικρού Μήκους στο Φεστιβάλ Βερολίνου το 2016.

Filipa Reis (1977, Lisbon) and João Miller Guerra (1974, Lisbon) live and work together in Lisbon. Their films were presented at international festivals such as Cinéma du Réel, IDFA, DokLeipzig, Bordocs,, Festival dei Popoli, Film Look, Recife International Film Window, FIDBA, Dok.Fest, Molodist, Parnu, between others. Together they have a film production company “Uma Pedra no Sapato”, responsible for films like “Balada de um Batráquio”, by Leonor Teles, who won the Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlin Film Festival in 2016.

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